Sunday, April 28, 2013

Stream The Apparition Movie with Full HD Format

Movie Title : The Apparition
Release Date : Aug 24, 2012 Wide
Mpaa Rating : PG-13
Genre Movie :Mystery & Suspense,Horror

When frightening events start to occur in their home, young couple Kelly (Ashley Greene) and Ben (Sebastian Stan) discover they are being haunted by a presence that was accidentally conjured during a university parapsychology experiment. The horrifying apparition feeds on their fear and torments them no matter where they try to run. Their last hope is an expert in the supernatural, Patrick (Tom Felton), but even with his help they may already be too late to save themselves from this terrifying force. -- (C) Warner Bros.
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Actors For The Apparition

Ashley Greene,Sebastian Stan,Tom Felton,Julianna Guill,Luke Pasqualino,Rick Gomez,Anna Clark,Tim Williams,Marty Martulis

Genres The Apparition : Mystery & Suspense,Horror

NewVisitor Ranting & Critics For The Apparition

User Ranting Movie The Apparition : 2.3
User Percentage For The Apparition : %
User Count Like for The Apparition : 20,837
All Critics Ranting For The Apparition : 2.2
All Critics Count For The Apparition : 53
All Critics Percentage For The Apparition : 4 %

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Some Trailer For The Apparition

New Review For Movie The Apparition
This horror movie from Warner Bros. is nothing special, but it's nice to see a modest genre entertainment buoyed by a major studio's resources.
Ben Sachs-Chicago Reader

The entity is a ghostly presence amid an even ghostlier absence. This is truly distressed real estate.
Mark Feeney-Boston Globe

Something lacking either body heat or visceral suspense.
Mark Olsen-Los Angeles Times

For casual viewers desiring a few scares, some suspense and a sustained sense of dread and malevolence, you could do worse.
Frank Lovece-Newsday

Lights flicker; soap and cactuses blacken; claw marks appear; icky molds gather like hornet nests.
Andy Webster-New York Times

Might give you a restless night, but only because you fell asleep in the theater.
Keith Staskiewicz-Entertainment Weekly

This new supernatural thriller by first-time director Todd Lincoln has stinker written all over it. In indelible ink.
Steve Newton-Georgia Straight

The apparition, because it's lame, spends a lot of its time tying clothes into knots, moving dressers, and opening doors.
Walter Chaw-Film Freak Central

When I finally get around to writing a textbook, this is going to be one of my primary examples of how not to make a horror movie.
William Bibbiani-CraveOnline

Instead of a genuine story line, 'The Apparition' asks us to sit and wait for something to happen. And wait. And wait. (Blu-ray edition)
John J. Puccio-Movie Metropolis

I like a good ghost story, but 'The Apparition' is nothing like a good ghost story. It's more like a Syfy Channel show where they try to scare people in a darkened room.
John J. Puccio-Movie Metropolis

A thinly sketched paranormal thriller stripped almost bare of anything that might provide some color, complication or personality.
Brent Simon-Screen International

The Apparition is a rare example of filmmaking failure that is so complete, it will exacerbate its audience in nearly every way possible.
Kofi Outlaw-ScreenRant

Every fo paux The Apparition commits stems from a general atmosphere lacking any vibrant heartbeat, creating characters and conflicts which are tragically birthed on life support.
Matt Joseph-We Got This Covered

Todd Lincoln, in his directorial debut, shows the restraint of a young Val Lewton. Things go bad oh-so-slowly ...
Glenn Lovell-CinemaDope

When you look into this abyss, it yawns back at you.
Marc Savlov-Austin Chronicle

Plants wither and furniture is rearranged, as if the demon were an inconsiderate housesitter.
John Beifuss-Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN)

The whole ordeal only lasts 82 minutes, but that's still too long for a film with no ambition aside from lightening your wallet.
Chris Stuckmann-Moviedex

Doesn't offer anything new, let alone entertaining.
Peg Aloi-Boston Phoenix

A run of the mill horror flick that gets worse and worse as it progresses
Jackie K.

It's simply one of the worst horror movies I've ever seen in my life; such a waste of time being in that theater. It's so wholly awful it's almost an acheivement how bad it is.
Mark Ellis-Schmoes Know

New Movie Images The Apparition
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Movie Overview For The Apparition

When frightening events start to occur in their home, young couple Kelly and Ben discover they are being haunted by a presence that was accidentally conjured during a university parapsychology experiment. The horrifying apparition feeds on their fear and torments them no matter where they try to run.


TagLine The Apparition Once You Believe You Die

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