Release Date : Sep 14, 2012 Limited
Mpaa Rating : R Genre Movie :DramaA striking portrait of drifters and seekers in post World War II America, Paul Thomas Anderson's The Master unfolds the journey of a Naval veteran (Joaquin Phoenix) who arrives home from war unsettled and uncertain of his future - until he is tantalized by The Cause and its charismatic leader (Philip Seymour Hoffman). -- (C) Weinstein R
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Actors For The Master
Genres The Master : Drama
NewVisitor Ranting & Critics For The Master
User Ranting Movie The Master : 3.4User Percentage For The Master : 60 %
User Count Like for The Master : 40,444
All Critics Ranting For The Master : 8.1
All Critics Count For The Master : 222
All Critics Percentage For The Master : 86 %
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New Review For Movie The Master
In the end it may not have the emotional uplift the Academy or a popular mainstream audience craves, but make no mistake, this is an enthralling drama about a peculiarly American restlessness, and the striving for insight and grace.Tom Charity-CNN.com
[A] challenging, psychologically fraught drama.
J. R. Jones-Chicago Reader
The actors' commitment to their roles is impressive, but it's tethered to a weightless, airless movie, a film so enamored of itself, the audience gets shut out.
Rene Rodriguez-Miami Herald
The Master may go down as one of Paul Thomas Anderson's most compelling works for two simple reasons: Joaquin Phoenix and Philip Seymour Hoffman.
Cary Darling-Dallas Morning News
Where There Will Be Blood transmuted sullen earth into flame and launched it violently skyward, The Master is, as its opening shot advertises, a more fluid undertaking, a story of ebb and flow.
Christopher Orr-The Atlantic
The Master is as confounding as it is magnificent.
Lisa Kennedy-Denver Post
A perverted sausage party in which Anderson fully indulges his obsession with male genitalia.
Al Alexander-The Patriot Ledger
The film never lags. It is too gorgeous, too expertly acted, and above all, too well directed and written. Nearly devoid of exposition, "The Master" unfolds seamlessly and naturally.
Carla Meyer-Sacramento Bee
THE MASTER is challenging, perplexing, at times infuriating - and always thoughtful. Indelible. And always, always beautiful.
Meredith Borders-Badass Digest
by itself, gives lie to the idea that Americans don't make great, nuanced, complicated films. It's sublime.
Walter Chaw-Film Freak Central
Paul Thomas Anderson's The Master is a challenging film, like most of his work. One that evokes a spellbinding performance out of Joaquin Phoenix.
Jeremy Lebens-We Got This Covered
Despite sumptuous cinematography and sublime acting, Paul Thomas Anderson's latest film ultimately feels a touch pointless.
Tom Glasson-Concrete Playground
There is not too much by way of extras in the new Blu-ray release of the under appreciated film, "The Master," but what is there is excellent.
Robin Clifford-Reeling Reviews
Phoenix and Hoffman both put on clinics, and Anderson's story, though meandering, never stalls.
Phil Villarreal-OK! Magazine
Possibly the most misunderstood American movie of last year, Paul Thomas Anderson's most striking and original movie to date ultimately reveals itself to be a great thwarted American love story.
Chuck Bowen-Slant Magazine
Admirável ao permitir que o filme desenvolva seus temas e personagens ao seguir em direções frequentemente inesperadas, Anderson continua a demonstrar seu talento como cineasta tanto pela maturidade de seus temas quanto por seu preciosismo estético.
Pablo Villaca-Cinema em Cena
Refusing to wrestle with the veracity or the real implications of The Cause, one begins to question what is underpinning the entire exercise, an ambiguity that, as with Kubrick, will require multiple viewings to unravel.
Andrew Simpson-Fan The Fire
The at-times-impenetrable film will require multiple viewings to fully appreciate the multitude of themes and subtext.
Matthew Odam-Austin American-Statesman
Anderson has achieved his mid-century epic, and in its pure 65mm sumptuousness, the great American movie.
Harlan Jacobson-Boston Phoenix
THE MASTER is a brilliant film. THE MASTER is a confounding film. The Master is a terrible film. THE MASTER may talked about for the ages or forgotten in a few years. THE MASTER may be a masterpiece, THE MASTER may be empty of content...
Jason Gorber-Filmfest
THE MASTER is brilliant and/or confounding and/or terrible. It may be talked about for the ages or forgotten in a few years. It may be a masterpiece, and/or it may be empty of content masked by strong moments of acting prowess and visual flare.
Jason Gorber-Twitch
With almost no narrative progression, this film is basically a character study in which the main characters remain little changed and enigmatic.
Robert Roten-Laramie Movie Scope
The least accessible of Anderson's films, and the least enjoyable, but it's intelligent and original enough for him to remain a "must-see" director.
CJ Johnson-ABC Radio (Australia)
For me, it is a masterpiece, a visually stunning explosion of pure cinema, emotionally charged with a penetrating psychological punch. If you are bored by this film, to paraphrase the great Samuel Johnson, then you are bored with life.
Brian Henry Martin-UTV
New Movie Images The Master
Movie Overview For The Master
A 1950s-set drama centered on the relationship between a charismatic intellectual (Lancaster Dodd) known as "the Master" whose faith-based organization begins to catch on in America, and a young drifter (Freddie Quell) who becomes his right-hand man. After returning from the Second World War, having witnessed many horrors, Dodd creates a faith-based organization in an attempt to provide meaning to his life. He becomes known as "The Master". Freddie, his right-hand man, a former drifter, drifts through a series of PTSD-driven breakdowns. Finally he stumbles upon a cult which engages in exercises to clear the emotions. He becomes deeply involved with them, and begins to question both the belief system and The Master as the organization grows and gains a fervent following.![alt=Stream](http://drlisco.com/stream/watch12.jpg)
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