Release Date : Dec 21, 2012 Limited
Mpaa Rating : R Genre Movie :Drama,Action & AdventureBased on Jack Kerouc's beloved American novel, On The Road is the story of Sal Paradise, an aspiring New York writer, and Dean Moriarty, a devastatingly charming ex-con, married to the very liberated and seductive Marylou. Sal and Dean bond instantly instantly upon meeting. Determined not to get locked in to a constricted life, the two friends cut their ties and take to the road with Marylou. Thirsting for freedom, the three young people head off in search of the world, of other encounters, and of themselves. -- (C) IFC
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Actors For On the Road
Garrett Hedlund,Sam Riley,Kristen Stewart,Kirsten Dunst,Viggo Mortensen,Amy Adams,Tom Sturridge,Alice Braga,Marie-Ginette Guay,Elisabeth Moss,Danny Morgan,Steve BuscemiGenres On the Road : Drama,Action & Adventure
NewVisitor Ranting & Critics For On the Road
User Ranting Movie On the Road : 3User Percentage For On the Road : %
User Count Like for On the Road : 7,360
All Critics Ranting For On the Road : 5.6
All Critics Count For On the Road : 136
All Critics Percentage For On the Road : 45 %
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New Review For Movie On the Road
It's not a wreck of a movie; it's not a sleek race car either. But there's heat to be felt here.Tom Long-Detroit News
Walter Salles's warm but strangely staid adaptation of a piece of literature that was never meant to be tamed as cinema.
Ann Hornaday-Washington Post
"On the Road" is something of a sprawling mess, but then so is the novel.
Mick LaSalle-San Francisco Chronicle
It took more than half a century, but Jack Kerouac's autobiographical cult novel of bohemian youth in postwar America has reached the screen in wonderful form.
Colin Covert-Minneapolis Star Tribune
Against all odds, a surprisingly effective movie.
Ty Burr-Boston Globe
In Salles, screenwriter Jose Rivera and company's effort to get the details right, they only get so far. And it's not quite far enough.
Steven Rea-Philadelphia Inquirer
A booze-soaked, drug-riddled, sex-filled escapade with no real point about young people casting off whatever yokes chain them and seeing what's out there. It captures the pure exhilaration of freedom for its own sake.
Christopher Lloyd-Sarasota Herald-Tribune
If our On the Road is a barely coherent tightrope act - a fizzy word drunk stand-up speed-rapped by an aspiring poet posing as a dumb saint prole - then it's tough to take this pretty version, populated by Gap models in retro Americana fashions.
Philip Martin-Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
The movie version of "On the Road" won't have the impact on a person that the book ever did. But it does go some way to explaining why the book did.
Rob Thomas-Capital Times (Madison, WI)
At just over two hours, its challenging to stay invested in the movie and its choppy, rambling storyline. As a filmic experience, however, it serves as an interesting companion piece to the similarly challenging 'The Master.'
Not a film for the masses....the story is laced with sex, drugs and nudity, but it is a capable character study of a group of young friends who could be part of any generation.
David Kaplan-Kaplan vs. Kaplan
A pretty disappointment.
Mike Scott-Times-Picayune
Considering the central characters would become the dominant figures of the Beat movement, it's unbelievable how pedestrian their antics prove, not to mention how through-the-roof the picture's corn quotient is. Could the soundtrack have more bongo music?
Rick Kisonak-Film Threat
Salles approaches Kerouac's raw, restless and spontaneous work in such a staid and conservative manner that the movie might as well be a lesser Merchant-Ivory production from the team's late-'90s period of decline.
Matt Brunson-Creative Loafing
The filmmakers are intelligent and gifted, but they fail to provide a satisfying answer to the question facing anyone who might want to make a movie version of 'On the Road,' namely: Why bother?
John Beifuss-Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN)
Even Stewart, exuding more passion than in all five Twilight movies, registers more fully than the preening leads.
Sean Means-Salt Lake Tribune
Jack Kerouac's Beat Generation bible "On the Road" was experimental, experiential and ephemeral in a way Walter Salles' film never captures or portrays.
Duane Dudek-Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
If the movie weren't so visually eloquent at evoking post-war America, it might prove unbearable.
Jon Niccum-Kansas City Star
Salles aims to do for Jack Kerouac what he did for Che Guevara, i.e., to make him and his pals rock stars.
Kelly Vance-East Bay Express
What Salles gets just right is the sense of speed - of lives lived too fast, of the blacktop passing before their windshield in a blur.
Roger Moore-Movie Nation
This pretty period-pictorial companion piece to the novel fatally misses out on the brain-firing raw buzz that Kerouac felt and passed on to his readers...
Peter Canavese-Groucho Reviews
Hedlund is too pretty and not quite as maniacally charming as Dean. Riley's Kerouac is even more apprehensive than the one in the novel, and that raspy voice he uses is distracting.
Nina Garin-San Diego Union-Tribune
The film has a dreamy nocturnal lyricism, especially in scenes of Moriarty's streamlined 1949 Hudson Commodore hurtling across America's lamp-lit highways.
James Verniere-Boston Herald
This makes for a rather uninspired film that, despite being based off of a novel considered a classic, fails to grab the viewer's attention with its meandering storyline and characters that drift in and out of the picture.
New Movie Images On the Road
Movie Overview For On the Road
Dean and Sal are the portrait of the Beat Generation. Their search for "It" results in a fast paced, energetic roller coaster ride with highs and lows throughout the U.S.![alt=Stream](
TagLine On the Road The best teacher is experience.
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